The Fit of Life ~ 3 Aug 2013

As always, a series of personal planets line up through an array of aspects to take on one of the longer orbital period planets out yonder. Currently, the way out there, Eris, stands front and center in the queue.

Today, Mercury, the messenger often dispatched by Jupiter in Erisian matters, squares Eris. Jupiter once sent Mercury to ask the ruler of Mycenae if he would surrender his throne should the Sun rise in the west. Since the Sun always rises in the east, unless Eris is involved, it seemed like a safe bet. But the message delivered by Mercury possessed a tad of chicanery and multiple layers for consideration. The Sun would rise in the west as soon as the verbal promise was made.

So here’s the deal... with all those cleverly encoded interrogatives flying through the air waves right now, be clear that all possible permutations have been explored - even and especially those of high improbability - before signing the line, dotted or otherwise.

Mercury asks a potent question intended for your deepest, clearest inner processes. Are you included in only those things that benefit your life? If you have alliances that serve no purpose what should you do? How about that social networking phenomena? Eris absolutely hated to miss out or be excluded.

Here’s a mundane example: The director I worked with on the short film Mirage at Zabul Province and I have entered a prominent film festival. This festival, unlike the standard protocol of such events, is now doling out two short film announcements every day - starting two days ago when this aspect inched into orb - but only on Twitter. The place where you pay and keep track of such submissions is shunned by the festival, as is the standard e-mail notification process. If you get selected right away, you love this zany social networking thing. If you must wait weeks for results and follow the tweets of two folks of unknown regard, it’s maddening.

Make sure your social networking works. Forget vanity. Forget meaningless connections. Cull, cultivate and ensure any electronic interaction aids your basic worldly efforts and furthers your evolutionary purpose.

It is worth noting that the Eris evolution stimulus package set up with this transit today lasts until June 14 of next year, when Jupiter in Cancer squares Eris in Aries.

On August 16 Mars squares Eris. Mars, ruler of Aries (Ares), holds a special place in Eris’ heart. Ares was one of her constant companions and typically involved when Eris created her greatest mayhem. Through the next two weeks exclusion/inclusion tensions rise. So does the pressure on matters of professional advancement and social standing. Those shunned might be inclined to demonstrate irrational and disruptive behavior. This kind of response is more than burning bridges; it’s blowing them up, burning them and spraying them with a mixture of DDT, anthrax and yellow cake Uranium. This is also known as overkill or drama queenism.

Tangential reactions during this Eris pattern will brand the reactor with an undesirable and indelible label(s). The labels of reactionary, volatile, off kilter, vengeful, irrational and highly flammable, once assigned will take eons to shed - after all, Eris has the longest orbit of any planet other than Sedna.

The economic and social pressure of fitting in rises to new high water marks come September. On the 4th, Venus in Libra - the sign where Eris is closest to the Sun, and where she feels the greatest urgency, opposes Eris. Impulsiveness and hastiness go hand in hand with any feelings of being shunned, “dissed,” dropped, unfriended, excluded or shut out. Before reacting to any such circumstances, give the situation a good objective look. Could changes forced upon you be a benefit instead of a curse? Could the questions asked right now by Mercury finally reveal the full implication of the underscoring in the interrogative? Most important: How do social and economic shifts benefit your personal evolution in life?

Bear in mind this does not need to be foreboding. It’s like a baseball player being called up to the major leagues in the last month of the season and realizing an income of hundreds of thousands of dollars contrasted with the pittance paid in the minor leagues. How to adjust? How to fit in? How to deal with sudden success? How to take the country out of the individual suddenly dropped into the center of the city without a well-defined plan?

The same would apply to an aspiring writer landing a million-dollar advance. Or an artist suddenly receiving a fabulous commission. Or an executive promoted to the ultimate high income bracket and way beyond her/his personal level of competence.

These personal planet transits affect us all, and they establish the underground wiring for the Jupiter to Eris revolution of next June (Jupiter in Cancer square Eris in Aries). Let us recall that Jupiter dispatched the aid of Eris to reverse the order of the Universe for one day. This reversal was enough to fulfill the promise made by the leader of Mycenae to Mercury. In theory, the reversal is based upon a new, radical prospect for the motion of all Creation. Next June all bets are off. All evolutionary options are on the table - as they are every time Jupiter gives Eris a potent angular nudge in the sky.

The preview of coming evolutionary (revolutionary) attractions shows in your internal big screen multiplex as Jupiter stations in a wide square to Eris on November 6. This is a huge time on the collective level in terms of global politics, world economics and collective consciousness. Personally, all will be feeling increased intensity to carve out a proper niche in life.

The situation becomes radically inflamed on December 30th as the irritable and determined planet, Ceres, in Libra takes the first of three oppositions to Eris. Ceres demands that one take a stand, draw a line in the sand, and fully and completely in an unabated manner, advocate for ones self.

The promise of the planets offers a sense at the end of this year that life may be a better fit than it has ever been before. Following the steps of these transits by remaining firm, but calm and collected, makes a person not only an advertising tagline, but a respected cool cucumber perceived as fully intent and actively engaged in ensuring life unfolds according to the greater plan.

Once alterations to life take place this year, adjustments, some major, will be required next year. There is no resting upon laurels allowed in the greater scheme of things. Every time there is a personal planet in direct aspect to Eris a mental check of the “fit of life” is required. Every time Mars engages Eris, a redirected personal course for perfect soulful evolution is demanded. Keeping these requirements in mind and taking fitting steps along the way, assures that the Jupiter to Eris square of June 14th next year, and the Mars-Ceres conjunction in Libra opposing Eris on July 11, 2014 receive smooth and flawless evolutionary integration.